
भगवद्गीता मङ्गलाचरण (गीता धर्म मंडळ)

ॐ पार्थाय प्रतिबोधितां भगवता नारायणेन स्वयं व्यासेन ग्रथितां पुराणमुनिना मध्येमहाभारतम्।             अद्वैतामृतवर्षिणीं भगवतीमष्टादशाध्यायिनीम्             अम्ब त्वाम् अनुसन्दधामि भगवद्गीते भवद्वेषिणीम्॥ १॥ नमोस्तु ते व्यास विशालबुद्धे फुल्लारविन्दायतपत्रनेत्र । येन त्वया भारततैलपूर्णः प्रज्वालितो ज्ञानमयः प्रदीपः॥ २॥               प्रपन्नपारिजाताय तोत्रवेत्रैकपाणये ।               ज्ञानमुद्राय कृष्णाय गीतामृतदुहे नमः ॥ ३॥ सर्वोपनिषदो गावो दोग्धा गोपालनन्दनः। पार्थो वत्स सुधीर्भोक्ता दुग्धं गीतामृतं महत्॥ ४॥              वसुदेवसुतं देवं कंसचानूरमर्दनं ।              देवकीपरमानन्दं कृष्णं   वन्दे जगद्गुरुम्॥ ५॥ मूकं करोति वाचालं पंगुं लंघयते गिरिम्। यत्कृपा तमहं वन्दे परमानन्द माधवम्  ॥ ६ ॥          ...

Nothing is good and bad in it's entirety

For some things you may feel happy or bad (e.g. Dhruti got admission to City Pride School). But this can't be termed as blessing or suffering. It's relative. Was feeling there is a Sanskrut subhashit for this but it turned out to be little different. Still copying here for archiving. उपकारोऽपि नीचानां अपकराय जायते | पय: पानं भुजङ्गानां केवलं विषवर्धनम् || Ref:  Sanskrit Swyam Shikshak By: S. D. Satavlekar You have accept whatever comes to your way with open hands. With right attitude and hard work any hurdles could be overcome.

Excel charts' good basics..

Help resource Name: Select data for a chart Pie chart This chart uses one set of values (called a data series). Help Path: Excel/Import and analyze data/Charts/Select data for a chart Link:

New asur: Vruttasur (वृत्तासुर)

Earlier in पुराण कथा, there was Vrutrasur (वृत्रासुर) deamon (असुर ) who had to be killed. But now in Kali Yug, in the form of profit making media, it is the वृत्तासुर that is playing havoc. It is making fool of people by diverting attention from topics that matter, polluting minds with false conceptions and false pride. A burning instance of perverted mindset of today's media. They showed cctv footage of a train station showing live suicide. But they would never have a program to avert people from suicide and living with courage - something like a program say "Living Spirit of Life (जगण्याची जिद्द)" showcasing stories of people who successfully came out of the bad times in life. There could be many more examples like avoiding roads accidents etc.

AXI (AMBA bus)

Wiki: AMBA is interconnect specification for functional blocks in SoC. AMBA stands for Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture AXI stands for Advanced eXtensible Interface

Self inspired quotes

Life is about making things simple If you cannot make things simple, you have not understood them enough.

Whats the o/p of following

#define BUFF_SIZE 64*1024 UWord64 fileOffset; fileOffset = readFromFile(BUFF_SIZE); /* above fn returned BUFF_SIZE */ fileOffset -= BUFF_SIZE - 71444;/* 17444=0x11714 */ Options: 1. 18446744069414655764 or 0xffff ffff 0001 1714 2. 71444 or 0x1 1714 Soln: BUFF_SIZE - 71444 i.e 65536 - 71444 is converted to 2's compliment form in Word32 format which is 0xffff e8ec. That value is subtracted from 0x0000 0000 0001 0000. So option 1 is the ans.